
Is Facebook Reducing Real Social Interaction

A wise person once stated that a time will come when computers will take over our lives. That time is Wedding Dresses Perfect here. There hardly must be anyone around you who is not a part of Facebook. In today's world, Facebook to people is what 8 hours of sleep used to be years ago. For all you know in the next couple of years, it would just be a part of a poor person's primary needs; more like food, clothing, shelter and Facebook! Many complain that Facebook has resulted in relationships losing that personal touch that they used to have before. Is Facebook reducing real social interaction? Facebook offers so many things in one Wholesale place. Firstly, it helps you to keep in touch with friends living across boundaries. You can not only share photos and videos with hundreds of people at one time, but also get their comments Baby Gift News and likes over them. Facebook chat was a relief for people who didn't need to worry anymore about huge phone-bills. Other features like quizzes, applications and games, have further resulted in Facebook addiction. Facebook promises us the ability to stay in touch with our friends worldwide. However, often we are tempted to keep in touch with our friends living next door only through this media. Where we used to call up our friends to ask them 'what's up'; today all we got to do is just Wholesale Fashion Men Clothing poke them over Facebook. The obsession over status messages on Facebook has reached such a pinnacle that, people believe that instead of speaking in person about their feelings, they can just post it as their status message. There are cases where we find next door neighbors, chatting with each other over Facebook and it doesn't even feel weird! We don't really feel the need to walk up to our friends and talk to them in person, even if they live only a few blocks away from us. This website might may been a breath of fresh air to many, however, it poses as a threat in the long run. So much that today people don't feel the need to keep even pets in their homes, due to the virtual pet applications like Fishville and Farmville.All the time while the owner of Facebook keeps getting rich as people keep becoming a part of his creation, it is our personal lives that have to pay the cost. And we think Facebook comes free of cost!

